Biblioteca Virtual en Salud

Gripe por A(H1N1)

Literatura Cientifica y Técnica

Editoras Científicas comerciales

Los usuarios de este Portal son invitados por los editores a usar esos recursos de información ofrecidos de forma gratuita durante el período de Alerta de Pandemia de la Gripe A (H1N1). LA BIREME/OPS/OMS no puede garantizar el acceso integral de cualquier local durante ese período.

Springer Verlag
Access to over 400 unique journals in the Health & Biomedical field such as Archives of Virology, European Journal of Virology and Tropical Animal Health and Production, Virus Gene, European Journal of Health Economics and European Journal of Epidemiology to just name a few.


Science Direct
Journals: Over 2,500 authoritative titles with full text access to the articles.

Abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources, including over 16,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 4,000 publishers.
The Scopus access has been granted to WHO until the 3 June 2009.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG)
NPG is granting a three month trial (May 11th to August 11, 2009) to its 60 electronic journals. Some key titles of interest to researchers are Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Nature Reviews Immunology and Immunology & Cell Biology among others.

Thomson Reuter

ISI - Web of Knowledge
Web of Science indexes over 11,000 authoritative scholarly journals and 130,000 academic conferences from around the globe, reflecting all fields of scholarly research, and is the world's leading citation database. WHO's current access to Web of Science has been upgraded to include bibliographic data from 1900 to 1945 thus indexing scientific literature from critical period of the 1918 Spanish Influenza.


DynaMed - H1N1 Flu
Due to the recent global outbreak of Swine Influenza, EBSCO Publishing and the DynaMed Editors have made DynaMed’s information about Swine Influenza free to health care providers and institutions throughout the world. The DynaMed topic on Swine Influenza consolidates information from multiple sources for health care providers to stay current with recommendations for monitoring, diagnosing, and treating patients with flu-like illnesses during this outbreak. DynaMed Editors will continue to monitor information and update this topic as needed throughout this global crisis.

American Society for Microbiology

Articles on Influenza A(H1N1)
ASM has waived the 6 month embargo on the most recent articles dealing with Influenza A (H1N1). The site contains over 200 articles dealing with H1N1 which are freely accessible.

Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud
Rua Botucatu, 862 • 04023-901 • São Paulo/SP • Brasil
Tel: (55 11) 5576-9800 • Fax: (55 11) 5575-8868